Deteksi Dini Karies Gigi Dan Menyikat Gigi Massal Di Sekolah Dasar

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Sangkala Sangkala
Humaira Ruslan
Novia Iyabu
Aisyah AR
Dewi Sartika


Community service activities regarding dental and oral health and how to brush teeth properly and correctly for school-aged children are important to prevent problems with the mouth and teeth. Good tooth brushing habits are the most effective way to prevent dental caries. Dental caries is one of the dental problems that often occurs in school-aged children. Efforts that can be made to prevent dental caries include early detection of dental caries and brushing teeth properly. The aim of this service is tocarry out early detection of dental caries and provide education on toothbrushing to school-aged children. The method in community service is a descriptive method to describe the prevention ofdental caries through early detection of dental caries and education on how to brush teeth properly and correctly for school-age children. The target of implementing this service was 84 school-aged children at SDN Rajawali. The sampling technique in this research was accidental sampling. The results of the service found that there was 63.1% dental caries and the habit of brushing teeth was implemented by brushing teeth properly and correctly.

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Author Biographies

Sangkala Sangkala, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Humaira Ruslan, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Novia Iyabu, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Aisyah AR, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Dewi Sartika, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi


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