Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Terhadap Pentingnya Pemakaian Dan Pemeliharaan Gigi Tiruan Pada Masyarakat Desa Baji Mangngai

Main Article Content

Faradilla Usman
Dewi Sartika
Pariati Pariati
Suciyati Sundu
Rumaisha Soumena
Risman Abdi R


Dentures are tools made to replace missing teeth and soft tissue. Using dentures will restore aesthetic function, mastication function and speech function, as well as maintain the health of the surrounding tissue. Maintaining dentures is very important because it will determine the success of wearing dentures. Poor oral hygiene maintenance behavior among removable denture users can cause disease in the oral cavity. The aim of this service is to increase knowledge in Baji Mangngai Village, Maros. on the importance of using and maintaining dentures. The method of implementing this community service is by conducting direct counseling in Baji Mangngai Village, Maros. The community feels grateful for this service activity, apart from increasing knowledge about the use and maintenance of dentures, the community also hopes that this activity can continue in the future.

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Author Biographies

Faradilla Usman, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Dewi Sartika, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Pariati Pariati, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Suciyati Sundu, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Rumaisha Soumena, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Risman Abdi R, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi


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