Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Tindakan Mengenai Kebersihan Gigi Dan Mulut Pada Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Al-Amin Cabang Al-Fatah Temboro
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Dental and oral health problems, especially dental caries, are diseases that affect almost half world’s population (3.58 billion people). The largest proportion of dental problems in Indonesia are damaged teeth, cavities, and toothache (45.3%). Efforts to prevent the incidence of dental and oral hygiene problems can be made by providing education that is supported by video and electronic module media. This study aimed to determine the effect of training on dental and oral hygiene education on the knowledge and videos on practice of toothbrushing of students at Baitul Manshurin Darusallam Al-Amin. This study was pre-experimental with a one group pretest posttest design with a total sampling of 30 people, including the supervisors and administrators of the Islamic School’s Health Clinic (UKP) and 34 students including ages 13-14 years old. The instruments used were questionnaires and observation sheets. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results showed an increase in knowledge (p = 0.000) and a change in the toothbrushing practice (p = 0.000) before and after using the electronic module media. There was an increase in the knowledge of UKP administrators and supervisors from training activities and can carry out community empowerment (self-education), so there was a change in the toothbrushing practice for boarding school students. It is necessary to carry out regular dental and oral hygiene education activities for students.
Article Details
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