Pengetahuan Tentang Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut Dengan Gangguan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut di SDN Mamajang 1 Kota Makassar
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Dental and oral health is the condition of the teeth, supporting tissues, and mouth free from pain and disease, but currently cases of dental and oral health problems in children are still relatively high, this can be an opportunity for bacteria and germs to enter other organs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about dental and oral hygiene and dental and oral health problems in students of Mamajang 1 Public Elementary School. The research design used Correlation Analysis with a Cross Sectional approach, in this study the population was Mamajang 1 State Elementary School students, in this study the number of samples was 103 students, the data analysis method used was chi-square, the sampling technique used was total sampling, The research instrument used a knowledge questionnaire about oral and dental hygiene and an observation sheet for dental and oral health disorders.
The results of this study showed that the level of knowledge was good with a percentage of 68.9% and students who experienced dental and oral health problems were 63.1% so that the chi-square test obtained a p- value of 0.601 (not significant > 0.05), indicating no there is a bound relationship between knowledge about dental and oral health with dental and oral health disorders at Mamajang 1 Public Elementary School. Dental and oral health cannot be determined from knowledge alone but needs to be balanced with dental and oral hygiene behavior, health education about the meaning, causes, impacts and how to maintain dental and oral hygiene, and providing motivation regarding the impacts that occur when not caring for dental and oral health It is hoped that the behavior will be in harmony with knowledge, and be free from dental and oral health problems and disorders.
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