Hubungan Pengetahuan SBAR Dan Pengawasan Dengan Pelaksanaan Serah Terima

Main Article Content

Mellisa Mentari
Sancka Stella
Solehudin Solehudin


Introduction: Communication within the hospital setting is essential, forming strong bonds between nurses and patients, nurses with peers, nurses with doctors or other professionals. Communication is a vital element in nursing across all activities and interventions, such as prevention, treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, education, and health promotion. Effective communication is also fundamental in client-centered collaborative practice. Therefore, effective communication is essential for a nurse to enhance the continuity of the nursing process. Healthcare worker's effective communication in nursing care documentation during the nurse handover by nurses increases the safety or security of patients during the treatment process and the continuity of patient care. Objective: To determine the relationship between nurses' knowledge of handovers with the use of the SBAR communication method and the supervision of the ward head in the BPJS ward care room at RSU Bunda Margonda Depok in 2023.Method: This research is an analytical correlation study with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study consisted of 39 participants. The sampling technique used in this study is total sampling. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test to determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Research Results: The statistical test results show that there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge of SBAR communication with the handover implementation (p-value 0.024<0.05). Conclusion: This research concludes that a ward head who performs poor supervision will decrease nurses' knowledge about SBAR communication with the handover execution. If the supervision is good, it will enhance the nurses' knowledge about SBAR communication with the handover implementation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mentari, M., Stella, S., & Solehudin, S. (2023). Hubungan Pengetahuan SBAR Dan Pengawasan Dengan Pelaksanaan Serah Terima. Jurnal Ilmiah Amanah Akademika, 6(2), 67–77. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mellisa Mentari, Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta

Prodi Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan

Sancka Stella, Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta

Prodi Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan

Solehudin Solehudin, Universitas Indonesia Maju Jakarta

Prodi Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan


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