Level of Knowledge of Active Smokers Regarding Stain Formation in the Community at the Katoi Health Center, North Kolaka Regency

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Suciyati Sundu


Tooth stains are discolorations on the surface of teeth. Colored spots or stains on teeth can affect aesthetics and have quite a psychological impact, especially if they occur on anterior teeth. Stains can be caused by smoking habits, because cigarette smoke contains various substances, these substances can stick to the surface of the teeth which over time will make the surface of the teeth feel rough. To determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of active smokers and the formation of stains in the community at the Katoi Health Center, North Kolaka Regency. This research is a descriptive quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach with a sample size of 40 respondents. Respondents who had a low level of knowledge and moderate tooth stain scores were 15 respondents (37.5%), analysis based on statistical analysis carried out using the chi-square test with the result ρ value = 0.691 (ρ>0.05). There is no relationship between the level of knowledge of active smokers and the formation of tooth stains at the UPTD of the Katoi Health Center, North Kolaka Regency. The relationship between long smoking and the formation of tooth stains.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sundu, S. (2023). Level of Knowledge of Active Smokers Regarding Stain Formation in the Community at the Katoi Health Center, North Kolaka Regency. Jurnal Ilmiah Amanah Akademika, 6(2), 109–120. Retrieved from https://ojs.stikesamanah-mks.ac.id/index.php/jihad/article/view/218
Author Biography

Suciyati Sundu, STIKES Amanah Makassar

Department Terapi Gigi


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