Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Stunting Pada Balita di Posyandu Jalamu Kecamatan Batang Kapas Efforts to Increase Mothers' Knowledge About Stunting in Toddlers at Posyandu Jalamu, Batang Kapas District
Main Article Content
Malnutrition is one of the important targets and foundations of sustainable development. Stunting is the most common nutritional problem in children throughout the world. Various risk factors for developmental delays have been identified ranging from direct to indirect factors. Increasing the understanding of caregivers, especially mothers, from the moment the child is born is a key factor in the success of stunting management. The activity took the form of health education regarding stunting and fulfilling nutrition in the first 1000 days of life for mothers who came to Posyandu Dusun Jalamu on August 14 2021. The activity was carried out using the educational lecture method followed by open discussion using the question-and-answer method. Activities are divided into preparation, implementation and response stages. The activity was accompanied by the hamlet head, village midwife, posyandu cadres and hamlet officials. It is hoped that the results of this activity can shape mothers' attitudes and behavior towards increasing knowledge about stunting and fulfilling nutrition in the first 1000 days of life. During the implementation of community service activities, hamlet officials, village midwives and posyandu participants were active and received positive responses from all activity participants. Mothers also actively ask and answer questions when given the opportunity to ask questions. Some are assessed to see how well they understand the material presented by asking questions that are appropriate to the material presented. It was concluded that the community service activities ran smoothly and received positive feedback from all activity participants. It is hoped that the results of the activities can be applied in everyday life, especially in preventing stunting in toddlers.
Article Details
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