Pemeriksaan Def-T Dalam Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan Gigipada Anak Pra Sekolah Di Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal
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Dental and oral health is a component of general health which plays an important role in mastication function, speech function and cosmetic function. Optimal dental and oral health status can also be achieved by increasing promotive and preventive efforts as early as possible. Considering the essence of health efforts, namely achieving the ability to live a healthy life for every resident in order to obtain an optimal level of health as an element of general welfare and national goals, it is appropriate for us as health workers to take full responsibility for realizing the UKGS program as one of the government's programs. Through the School Dental Health Business (UKGS) program, it is a form of activity to see the condition of dental and oral health in school children, especially pre - school children, because at pre-school age (aged 5-6 years) they are still unable to maintain the health of their own teeth and mouth. . The aim of this community service activity is to achieve optimal levels of dental and oral health for students. The results of this activity show that the severity of the caries status of primary teeth examined by class B II and B IV students at AISYIYAH BUSTANUL ATHFAL TK is classified as very high. In AISYIYAH BUSTANUL ATHFAL Kindergarten Class B II (def-t = 8.4) while class B IV (def-t = 6.8). so that all students who are examined need a referral for treatment in the form of dental conservation, tooth extraction and PSA and the need for parental guidance at home on how to maintain good oral and dental hygiene.
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