Penerapan Permainan Puzzle Tentang Karies Gigi Sebagai Media Promosi Kesehatan Di Sdn Sudirman Makassar
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Dental and oral health problems are a fairly high problem experienced in Indonesia, so promotive and preventive measures are needed by implementing dental and oral health education games starting from an early age. The community service program carried out is one of the mandatory activities. This service activity is carried out by creating an outreach activity so that the benefits of the activity can be directly received by the target of the activity. The aim of carrying out this activity is to socialize the importance of maintaining dental and oral health in the school environment as a form of concern regarding the health of students' teeth and mouth. The puzzle game method is used as a medium in implementing dental health education, interesting and fun lectures in the socialization of this community service program are carried out with students. The location for the socialization of this service program was held at SDN Sudirman. The results of the socialization in the community service program that has been implemented are increasing students' knowledge and awareness about the importance of maintaining the health of their teeth and mouth.
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