Pencegahan Karies Gigi Pada Anak Dengan Menyikat Gigipada Anak Di Upt Sdn 97 Barru Kota Barru

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Astri Annur Qalbi
Siti Alfah
Andi Muh. Adam Aminuddin
Febi Magfirah


Health education is an educational activity carried out by spreading messages, instilling confidence, so that people are not only aware, know and understand, but are also willing and able to carry out recommendations related to health. According to dentists, brushing your teeth is done at least twice a day, namely after breakfast and before going to bed at night. Brushing your teeth is also recommended using toothpaste which helps clean your teeth and smell better. The result of rarely brushing your teeth is the appearance of plaque on your teeth which is a result of the buildup of dirt on your teeth. Dental plaque can also cause cavities which, if left unchecked, can make your teeth ache. Counseling and implementing joint toothbrushing is necessary because brushing teeth is a daily activity that must be done to keep teeth healthy and clean.

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Author Biographies

Astri Annur Qalbi, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Siti Alfah, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Andi Muh. Adam Aminuddin, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Febi Magfirah, STIKes Amanah Makassar

Program Studi D-III Kesehatan Gigi


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Jakarta: Badan Litbangkes, Depkes RI