Upaya Pencegahan Karies Gigi Dengan Pengolesan Pit And Fissure Pada Siswa Sdn Biringkaloro Gowa
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Indonesian Ministry of Health data. (2013) showed 89% of children aged <12 years had dental caries, this is one proof that, public awareness is still lacking in maintaining the health of their teeth and mouth. Residents who stated that they had problems with their teeth and mouth in the last 12 months in Gowa Regency were 25.7%. This figure is above the Bali provincial figure of 24.0%. One of the preventive measures for dental caries is to seal (seal) pits and deep fissures on the surface of the tooth. Based on the preliminary interview with the Head of Negeri Biringkaloro Gowa, it is known that there are no UKS or UKGS elementary schools. Based on the description above, a problem statement can be formulated: how to prevent dental caries for students in Kukuh District 1, 3 and 4 SD Negeri Biringkaloro Gowa. The service method is carried out with practice or direct action on the teeth of students of Negeri Biringkaloro Gowa. Based on the results and discussion, it can be suggested as follows: sealent action is carried out even earlier, to avoid carious teeth; if similar activities are carried out again, the community service team prepares tools and materials for dental fillings.
Article Details
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