Upaya Preventif Dan Promotif Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Melalui Penyuluhan Dan Demonstrasi Di Sdn 218 Maroanging
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Dental and oral health in children is a factor that must be considered as early as possible, because tooth decay at a child's age can affect tooth growth at a later age. The problem in this study is the high prevalence of dental caries at SDN 218 Maroanging in 2023 (80%). This community services aims to increase the knowledge of elementary school age children, so that they are able to practice how to brush their teeth properly and correctly. The number of respondents was 62 children. The data collection method uses questionnaires. The method is quantitative, the sort is cross-sectional, and statistic test is Chi-square. The results show that many children have damaged/bitten teeth, and this triggers a high incidence of dental infections in children.
Article Details
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